When there’s more than one operator in a statement, adding a single space before and after each operator can look confusing. The best way to name your objects in Python is to use descriptive names to make it clear what the object represents.

Once such program is black, which autoformats code following most of the rules in PEP 8. In the example below everyone can see that we’re getting the students id, there is no need to point it out. Green RGB color code.

Frontend Masters is the best place to get it. Use a short, lowercase word or words. He is the author of Data Crunching and Practical Parallel Programming (MIT Press, 1995), and is a contributing editor at Doctor Dobb's Journal, and an adjunct professor in Computer Science at the University of Toronto. You use it for your section titles and it looks quite nice. Don’t use if x: when you mean if x is not None:. Ugly code makes it harder for someone else to work with your code, a likely situation if you ever into into a professional development “team.”, I’m loving your poster sample of clean code. This will benefit you as well as collaborators and potential employers. I have one question that might be my own oversight. | decky wpmu, Writing beautiful code « inphamous development, http://www.equivalence.co.uk/archives/101, Blog post 03/14/2010 (a.m.) « PN.Truong Phuc's Blog, Auto Post 03/14/2010 (a.m.) « PN.Truong Phuc's Blog. Thanks for letting all the dummies out Chris, lmao! Beautiful Soup 3 was the official release line of Beautiful Soup from May 2006 to March 2012. A mobile phone, for instance, will not be able to display a three column layout. Also, you are using UTF-8, so you don’t need to use HTML-entities, isnt it? Blue color codes.

And by code, I mean real code (PHP, JavaScript, etc), not markup (HTML). This is just HTML, so it can’t be quite as intricate and elegant as a dynamic language, but it still bears the brush strokes of its creator.

# Treat the colon as the operator with lowest priority, # In an extended slice, both colons must be, # surrounded by the same amount of whitespace, # The space is omitted if a slice parameter is omitted, code.py:1:17: E231 missing whitespace after ',', code.py:2:21: E231 missing whitespace after ',', code.py:6:19: E711 comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:', code.py:3:17: E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax, Tips and Tricks to Help Ensure Your Code Follows PEP 8, Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide, Python Code Quality: Tools & Best Practices, Writing Beautiful Pythonic Code With PEP 8. And it is possible to keep a huge website clean.

bool can only take values True or False. This was a very interesting book with some good very clear, thought provoking articles, while others were written by people who were not used to writing. If your sidebar is just navigation or less important content, it is best if it comes last in the HTML.”, I’m not sure if it makes a difference for seo (and personally, I think seo is just another trendy bandwagon people hop on for whatever reason — write good, valid code and good content and the rest follows), but…. If you follow PEP 8 to the letter, you can guarantee that you’ll have clean, professional, and readable code. If we start down that road then maybe we should standardize on US or British English as well. A few spare divs round key chunks of the page won’t hurt, and could save you a lot of time in the long run. The following examples of list slices are valid: In summary, you should surround most operators with whitespace. You can learn about these by reading the full PEP 8 documentation. I would love to start implementing all of this if I knew what kind of browser support was available. If you have international constituents then you might need to provide a multi-lingual site that also uses the date format of that particular country. Sure it’s easy when you are coding from scratch or have full control over the output functions. CSS-Tricks* is created, written by, and maintained by Chris if(!findFromGuide(flags,point) { You can put all pages css in one file. What’s your #1 takeaway or favorite thing you learned? //function thisReallyHandyFunction() { does it make a blind bit of difference from an seo perspective? I’ve been looking around for an answer and can’t really find one.

To check if a number is ugly, divide the number by greatest divisible powers of 2, 3 and 5, if the number becomes 1 then it is an ugly number otherwise not. In this unique and insightful book, leading computer scientists offer case studies that reveal how they found unusual, carefully designed solutions to high-profile projects. Hex / RGB green color codes. >=, <=) and (is, is not, in, not in). Use a lowercase single letter, word, or words. Look at the source code of newsweek.com to see what I mean. Valid, semantic code, and useful, relevant content are the only two things you ever need to worry about. }

Why should one use these horrible encoding strings instead of saving your files UTF-8 (no BOM) encoded. Serve something that works for older browsers, but give users of modern browsers an enhanced experience. In the example below, I have defined a function db() that takes a single argument x and doubles it: At first glance, this could seem like a sensible choice. *May or may not contain any actual "CSS" Screenreader users shouldn’t have to listen to your whole blogroll or list of probably unrelated corporate services just to get to an article. This is not a cookbook or a book to teach you C++ in 21 days. Do not separate words with underscores.

Once you’ve written it, you’re never going to write it again. // magicNumber = evenMoreMagic(); The rest is all diminishing returns, especially if you’re paying some “SEO expert” to muck up your site. Code Beautify JSON Beautifier, XML Viewer, JSON Converters, Hex Converters and More... search . baseRadius = distance(point, center); However I cannot complain about this as I did only by the book for a specific chapter.

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