" template, and 5⁄13 And allow you to invest your tool budget elsewhere. This also leaves a full tail correctly positioned for a drawer bottom. So tight that they split the edges of the pins when I try to hammer them in. "-wide, 1⁄4 Now, select your stock and plane or resaw it if necessary. " template works in conjunction with a 1⁄2 when using a 1⁄2 7. Cut your workpieces to size, making sure they are square, and arrange them as shown. Re: Porter Cable Dovetail Jig Issues 11-17-2020, 01:37 PM I don't have the Porter Cable jig but have a Craftex jig that provided many hours of misery this summer in doing drawers. Are theses blind or through dovetails? " thick, and sides at least 5⁄16 If the joint requires more force than that, or won't go together at all, decrease the height of the bit and repeat your test cuts. 7° dovetail bit. I have recently bought a Porter-Cable 4216 Dovetail Jig. Most likely, your dovetail jig will have a set of stops on both ends that the edges of the workpieces butt against. Next week we will discuss how to set the depth of cut. " outside diameter (O.D.) " apart as shown at left. 2. Mark the top edges and number all of the matching inside corners. " apart. Scrollsaw, Carving, and Decorative Projects. I raised the bit per Porter's instructions which does nothing at all except make the socket more shallow (as expected) but does nothing whatsoever to make the dovetail any looser. They are way, way too tight. A standard 1⁄2 1. Remove the two workpieces and check their fit with one another. Set these according to which template you are using as shown. With our Porter-Cable jig, the 1⁄2 Written by: Bill Krier with Chuck Hedlund Illustrations: Brian Jensen, If you've ever used those hidden barrel-style hinges on a box, you've probably ruined a box or two... read more. If the dovetail cuts are too long and the workpieces go more than a hair past flush, adjust the templates out, toward the router. "-deep bottom-holding groove on this tail after you machine the dovetails. Drawers typically have 1⁄2 I'm glad its not just me with the directions, went through a lot of test pieces to finally get dialed in. Privacy Policy, Setting Up A Dovetail Jig For Perfect Dovetails, Porter Cable 4216 vs Porter Cable 4212 vs Porter Cable 4210, Keller 1500 Journeyman Dovetail Jig Review. " O.D. Popular brands, however, are Porter Cable … What’s up with this unusual dovetail joint? 5. Make Dovetail Joints Without a Jig - Weekend With WOOD 2015. Keep an eye out for more new videos with tips for using the Porter Cable dovetail jig throughout January and February. While dovetail jigs are available for upwards of $200 and more, if that will be more than you’ll use a jig then purchasing a jig for $50 will make more sense. Plan to center a 1⁄4 " template works with drawer fronts at least 3⁄8 The best dovetail jig to buy is the one that’s right for your budget and uses. Simple dovetail jigs, such as the one here, help you make tight-fitting half-blind dovetails quickly and easily. Popular brands, however, are Porter Cable and Rockler. This only works if the width of your pieces is less than half of the jig's capacity. Related Porter Cable 4212 Videos: Porter Cable 4212: Tips for Great Half Blind Dovetails; Porter Cable 4212: Half Blind Test Cuts; Porter Cable 4212: Depth of Cut/Half Blinds And allow you to invest your tool budget elsewhere. " template requires workpieces at least 1⁄2 "-thick fronts and 1⁄2 Glad to see you were able to work it out. After you're satisfied with the results, cut your actual workpieces as described in Step 7. Are they single pass blind? I have used the miniature template with no issues at all it worked great. Note: Perform the following steps in scrap stock that's of the same dimensions as your workpieces. bushing for its 1⁄4 4. If you run into grain splintering near the end of the cut, add a scrap piece as shown. And, manufacturers offer optional templates with smaller finger spacing. While dovetail jigs are available for upwards of $200 and more, if that will be more than you’ll use a jig then purchasing a jig for $50 will make more sense. "-, or 51⁄4 Measure the spacing and make note of it. For example, with our Porter-Cable jig we occasionally use a 1⁄4 Go slowly, especially near the ends of the cut, to ensure clean results. For more related content, subscribe to our newsletter! " template that has fingers spaced 7⁄16 " dovetail bit, and typically has fingers spaced 7⁄8 All times are GMT-5. If they won't align flush, you need to increase the length of the dovetail cuts by adjusting the templates in, away from the router. 9. Porter-Cable provides everything you need, including the bushing, the template, and a 1/2"-dia. The best dovetail jig to buy is the one that’s right for your budget and uses. Now, check if the dovetails go together so that the face grain of the drawer sides aligns flush with the end grain of the front or back. The workpieces should be in contact with the stops, and tight against each other, with the face grain of the horizontal workpiece flush with the end grain of the vertical piece. "-wide pieces. All Rights Reserved. Hopefully someone can help me I am at my wits end here. Mount the correct guide bushing into your router's base. "-, 43⁄8 The tool manual explains setup and use of the jig. Make the width of your workpieces an increment of the finger spacing. With our Porter-Cable jig, we do this by loosening a holding screw and micro-adjusting a setscrew in or out with a hex key as shown. If the dovetail cuts are too long and the workpieces go more than a hair past flush, adjust the templates out, toward the router. Took me several days just to get some test pieces to fit. " template. Some dovetail jigs such as the Porter Cable 4212 have built-in depth adjustment gauges to make this process easier. © 2020 Meredith Corporation. The scrap may splinter, but it will help keep the workpiece clean if the two are tightly butted together. This page was generated at 09:47 AM. Our jig requires a bushing with a 7⁄16 With my jig the written instructions were useless but the pictures helped a lot. I don't have the Porter Cable jig but have a Craftex jig that provided many hours of misery this summer in doing drawers.

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