Clinical Psychologist

Individual Psychotherapy

Family and couple therapist / consultant

Teenagers, adults, elderly.

Trilingual: English, French, Hebrew


Regina Ostrovsky
My background

Holder of a Professional Master’s degree (M.A.) in Clinical Psychology (Psychopathology specialty) at Bordeaux II Segalen’s University, I exercise as a psychologist, and as a family and couple psychotherapist within an integrative approach.

Trained at IDES (Institut d’Etudes Systémiques), I work in a public hospital where I provide a psychological assistance, within couples, families and individually in order to accompany the sick Subject and his family environment. 

In addition, I also train students and health professionals in the field of oncology, palliative care and gerontology.

At my clinic, I offer individual, family and couple psychotherapy.

Population received: adolescents, adults and elderly.

For mental and social health professionals, I also organize individual sessions of supervision.

Triligual: English, French, Hebrew


My services